Buy, Sell or List Your House in Central Florida
Hey, what’s up, everyone? Frank from Frank Jr Buys Houses. Boom, baby! Happy Friday, beautiful day in Deltona, Florida. Happy Valentine’s Day weekend. Hopefully, you have a chance to hang out with somebody you love, or at least like. Wearing red in honor of Valentine’s Day, although I wear red a lot.
I’m here at a house that we sold for a customer. Let me tell you a little bit about what happened. This customer reached out to me and said, “Hey, I want to sell my house because I want to move back to Miami.” So we said, “Okay, cool.” So my partner Tom McNamara and I came out here, and we met with the seller. We looked at what would be the best option for the seller? Would it be the best for us to list it because we’re licensed agents? Or would it be best for us to buy it from the seller cash? Because we also have our private lenders, and we buy houses as well.
After we all met and we talked through the numbers and she thought about it, she thought it over. She came back and said, “I think it’d be better for you guys to list it for me.” That way she could get more money than what we were able to pay. But she was a little skeptical because somebody who had tried to sell it for her before wasn’t able to for whatever reason. So we said, “Hey, no problem. We’ll get this thing sold for you and get it done.”
So my partner Tom got it listed, and we got people in here. This thing sold, and she’s extremely happy. As a matter of fact, is literally driving now down to Miami to move back there with her family and get settled in there. And then a new family will be coming in to move into this house.
We love what we do because we get to help customers whatever way is best for them. If it’s list the house, we’re licensed agents, we can do that. If it’s buy the house ourselves with our own lenders, our own money, excuse me, we can do that, too. Whatever works out best, whatever makes most sense, that’s the way we like to roll. We’re good doing it whatever way works best for the client.
Love this business. Reach out to us, we’d love to work with you as well. Have a great weekend.